Prices and Fees

Landing Fee: $0.00
Ramp Fee (aircraft with MGTOW 6,000# or greater): $75.00 (Ramp Fee waived with purchase of 100gals 100LL or JetA.)
Hangar Storage (monthly): $300.00
Hangar Storage (nightly): $35.00
Apron Tie Down (monthly): $50.00
Apron Tie Down (nightly): $15.00
Conference Room Rental: $50/day (4 hours or longer) ($25.00/half day)
Hangar Land Lease (developed – w/o water/septic): $0.22/sf
Hangar Land Lease (developed with water/septic): $0.27/sf
Hangar Land Lease (undeveloped): $0.10/sf
Aircraft Oil: As posted in FBO

Fuel Prices: Updated 09/19/2023

Guaranteed as posted on

100LL: $6.31
JET-A:  $4.87